The world has been getting noisier. Busier. More complicated.
How do you get heard? How do you stand out?
Welcome to Good With, a project-focused consultancy that helps you create impact and make change happen with purposeful strategy and effective communications.
Maybe you need help building the right communication, go-to-market or marketing strategy.
Or perhaps you need to create a memorable event or presentation to move an audience.
Or maybe you are embarking on a change or transformation programme and want to ensure that change really happens.
Good With can help you with all of that, and more.
Working with a network of production specialists and experts who are the best in the business, we can deliver the results you need – whether it’s for a short engagement, or a longer project.
We are experienced at working in the UK or internationally and understand different ways to reach your audiences, wherever they are.
Please get in touch to have a chat about whatever business or communications challenge that you are facing by emailing

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The world is getting noisier. Busier. More complicated. Because digitization is changing everything.


It’s changing how companies communicate with their customers, partners and employees. Their business processes. Their marketing strategies and investments. The data and insights that are available to them. The services they offer.


Companies who are unwilling to change won’t survive so the time is now to embrace and manage that change. To get heard. To stand out.


Welcome to Good With, a project-focused consultancy that helps companies operating in the digital or IT space create impact and make change happen with purposeful strategy and effective communications.


Maybe you need help building the right communications, marketing or go-to-market strategy.


Or perhaps you need to find the right words to bring that strategy to life in a memorable way to move your audience.


Or maybe you are embarking on a change or transformation programme and want to ensure that change really sticks and that you succeed in engaging with your audiences in the long term.

Good With can help you with all of that, and more.


Working with a network of production specialists and experts who are the best in the business, we can deliver the results you need – whether it’s for a short engagement, or a longer project.


We are experienced at working in the UK or internationally and understand different ways to reach your audiences, wherever and whoever they are.


Please get in touch to have a chat about whatever business or communications challenge that you are facing by emailing

About Good With

Good With is the brainchild of Rebecca Bell, a 20+ year veteran in communications, strategy and marketing.


After years spent on both the agency and client side, Rebecca sees the growing need for businesses and leaders to harness the power of audience-focused strategy and communications to help them stand out in the crowd, engage with stakeholders and manage change. As businesses digitize and technology evolves, this is not a nice-to-do; it’s a must do if you want to stay relevant.


Good With always guarantees to share with you strongly held opinions and advice based upon rich experience. Sometimes this can be disruptive and requires bravery to implement so we commit to working with you to execute upon the right approach for your business.


Good With isn’t about signing up clients to lengthy retainers. It is about responding to very specific briefs and delivering tangible outcomes that help you deliver progress for your business. This might be in the form a very short engagement, or a longer project. The client service ethos is around flexibility and real delivery because with that comes trust, which is critically important when you’re choosing consultants to work with. 


In these engagements you are paying for experience, ideas and brainpower, not overheads. So in delivering against projects we work with a strong network of great freelance experts – be it in copywriting, digital, PowerPoint or video production. We pull all of this together for you so you can focus on your business, whilst we focus on your brief.


Briefs are scoped carefully and priced in a transparent manner, usually by day or hourly rate per activity area, so you can see what you’re paying for.


We love what we do and we’re damned good at it so you’re in safe hands with Good With.

About Rebecca

Rebecca wandered out of University and into a career in Communications quite by chance, having come upon Public Relations in the careers library and figuring it might pay better than Publishing, which happened to be in the next folder on the shelf.


Gladly, it turned out to be great. Rebecca’s love affair with words was nurtured by seven years spent in client facing roles in London PR agencies, working on accounts as varied as Microsoft, Budget Rent a Car, Tesco and Amazon. She took her exceptional media relations skills in-house with RAC, the motoring organisation, regularly appearing on the TV and radio across a range of topics. A short stint at Shell was followed by a new challenge at the tech giant Cisco in 2007.


The last decade has seen Rebecca diversify her communications experience within the IT and Digital space to include executive communications, internal communications, business strategy and planning, marketing, change management, sales acceleration and sales enablement. Success in all of these disciplines has something in common –  the need to understand your audience, dig in to what’s on their mind, and work out how to reach them with the right approach, strategy or message to make change happen.


This is the purpose that excites Rebecca today, and why she has set up Good With.

Good With Words

Gosh, it’s hard to write and communicate well. It’s hard to be clear and interesting when you’re talking to business audiences about things that might be complex or technical. It’s hard to impart your personality in written or spoken word, and it’s hard to be consistent with the messages you use with your business audiences.


We’re Good With Words, which means that we can help you develop and create messaging that works for you and your business whilst also making a big impact on your customers and stakeholders, whoever they are.


We have lots of experience in speech and copy writing, so can help pull together words that work across many different types of media, including websites, customer and sales collateral, press releases, social media etc.


We can also help you develop the confidence and ability to communicate with impact as a leader. This is rarely something you’re born with. Most people need some guidance and coaching to help them develop their authentic voice, and be able to deliver messages and ideas in a memorable way when it matters. Many clients also need help developing a ‘platform’ to own within their industry and ideas on how to amplify their voice around it.


Additionally, we can train your teams to write or communicate better ensuring consistency and impact using your key messaging.

Good With Audience Engagement

The number one reason that change management programmes fail is because of poor adoption due to a lack of audience engagement, and this is particularly the case with technology-led and digitization projects.


Whether you are trying to engage with audiences inside your company, or customers or stakeholders outside, getting noticed, heard and understood is getting harder. There’s just too much noise and too many distractions.


So making change happen, and then ensuring it sticks, is probably one of the biggest challenges that our clients face today and it doesn’t happen by chance. It needs careful planning and diligence.

We’re Good With Audience Engagement which means we have the expertise to help you bring your strategy to life within your organisation and to manage change. This might mean creating memorable, sharable content and events to keep you, your message and your brand top of mind, or it might mean building integrated training and sales enablement strategies and deliverables that help sellers sell and make customers listen.


We also have experience with creating engaging, immersive digital content and using activities like gamification and incentives to drive participation and stickiness.


Critical to all of this is that you measure progress. So in addition to building the right integrated audience engagement strategy and tactics, you also need to track the impact you’re making and be prepared to adapt and change your approach accordingly.

Good With Strategy

Building a communications or marketing strategy that works, particularly one that will survive the challenges of a rapidly digitizing business and evolving technologies, takes time, insight and inspiration.

We’re Good With Strategy so can use experiences of developing global and regional business strategies to help you do the same. We have particularly good knowledge in the areas of Communications Strategy (Change Comms, Corporate Comms, Internal Comms, Analyst Relations, Leadership Communications, PR), Go to Market and B2B Marketing.


We can use all of this to assist you and your team with navigating the transitions of business digitization which are impacting how people communicate, how they make buying decisions, how they engage with companies and brands, and how they want to be marketed to. We can also challenge you with ideas around your Go to Market, with growth hacking strategies to drive new relevance, customer demand and revenue streams to your business.